All the pertinent connection information, not specific to any particular client

Incoming server (IMAP) Port Connection Security 143 STARTTLS (or TLS)

Outgoing server (SMTP) Port Connection Security 587 STARTTLS (or TLS)

User names are your whole e-mail address:

The outgoing server does require authentication

If your e-mail client doesn't support STARTTLS or TLS, but does support SSL, use the following IMAP and SMTP server settings

Incoming server (IMAP) Port Connection Security 993 SSL

Outgoing server (SMTP) Port Connection Security 465 SSL

If you decide to use POP3 instead of IMAP, use the following port settings

Incoming server (POP3) Port Connection Security 995 SSL

Specific instructions for Microsoft Outlook

  1. Click Tools -> Account Settings -> New
  2. Select the option that includes IMAP:
  3. Select "Manually configure":
  4. Select the option that includes IMAP:
  5. Enter your information and click "More Settings" (replacing with where applicable):
  6. Under "Outgoing Server", select "My outgoing server reqires authentication:
  7. Under "Advanced", fill in the information as shown:
  8. Click OK
  9. Click Next
  10. Click Finish: